Fotod I Wear* Experiment albumile "Patience".
I Wear* Experiment on põnev Põhjamaade elektroonika trio, mis kaldub eksperimenteerimise ja kinemaatiliste helimaastike poole. Ansambel alustas oma teekonda elektroonilise popmuusika maailmas, tuues tagasi tugevuse ja agressiivsuse, mida nad tunnevad aja jooksul kaduvat. I Wear* Experiment loob suuri löökpillirütme ja sünte, millele lisandub Florence and The Machine'i sarnane graatsiline vokaal. Live-esinemisel on nad visuaalselt ja heliliselt laitmatud.
Projekt võitis 2016. aasta ADC*Eesti disainiauhindade konkursil fotograafia kategoorias pronksmedali..
Photos for I Wear* Experiment’s album "Patience".
I Wear* Experiment is a punchy nordic electro trio leaning towards experimentation and cinematic soundscapes. The band began their journey into electronic pop music bringing back the punch and aggressiveness that they feel has gone missing over time. I Wear* Experiment creates edgy big banger beats and synths with a touch of Florence and The Machine like graceful vocals. In a live situation they are visually and sonically impeccable.
This project won photography category bronze prize at the ADCE*Estonia design competition of 2016.
Design / disain - Kristjan Oden
Girl on the horse / naine hobusel - Sille Sepp